Obsessed with the powerful and ever changing SEO market, Mark demonstrates a true passion in advanced SEO education and innovative internet marketing strategies for long-term, sustainable business growth.
This Blog is dedicated to all SEO's & business information seekers. Mark Wilson is a writer and an internet marketing professional with extensive experience in search engine optimization.

Facebook’s Version of the Retweet Has Arrived!

facebook We’ve long speculated as to when Facebook might get its own version of Twitter’s retweet, and it appears that the time is now. This evening, the site rolled out a “via” feature that lets you repost another user’s shared items, with a “via” link attached...

Apple iPhone is set to debut their iPhone credit card reader

apple_iphone Mophie, a popular retailer of Apple iPhone and iPod accessories, is set to debut their iPhone credit card reader — said to be named “Credit Card reader” — and complimentary processing application. We’re just a week away from the annual gadget-lover’s dream event, otherwise known as CES. One company that everyone will have their eyes on this year is Mophie.

Google loses Groovle domain name claim

groovle In the complaint, Google asked for the judges to rule that 207 Media transfer the domain name over to it. Google said the domain name used by the small business, 207 Media, was too similar to its own, but mediators the National Arbitration Forum disagreed.But three judges appointed by the forum refused the request.They said the name was not similar enough to confuse people and the word 'groovle' was more closely linked to "groovy" or "groove" rather than Google.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What is success in SEO?

Kind of a loaded question to ask "what is SEO success" don't you think? I think it's subjective, so you'd have to ask yourself, what are the goals important to you?

In your case, you can say that you've gotten Phase 1 of your SEO goals accomplished - by pushing up SERP positions, indexed pages, etc.

Now you can focus on Phase 2 which is to increase traffic. That can be done in several ways, of which I will name 2: 1- you increase to Page 1 SERP rankings for your keywords and/or 2 - you increase Page 1 SERP rankings for several "longtail" keywords.

By doing it this way, you are thinking like a marketer (business person) where there are certain short-term and long-term goals you want to hit.

But there are some tough questions you have to ask yourself. Are your keywords that you are targeting good at all? Has your market moved or changed the way it searches? Do you need to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate your original SEO plan?

Those are tough questions to answer and tougher still if it means you need to redo everything. But do it - so that you don't continue to struggle with your SEO in the wrong direction.

refer from (forums.searchenginewatch.com)

Friday, March 13, 2009

PayPal Offers a Credit Card Reader for Brick and Mortar Businesses

The first big move, in my opinion, that PayPal made was when they made it possible for non-PayPal members to use a PayPal merchant account on sites.

When I visit new businesses thinking about adding a merchant account and selling online I usually tell them that if they are not selling $2000 a month then it would be best to go with a third party merchant account instead of a merchant account of their own. One, because of the cost savings, and two I would recommend it for businesses just starting out.

Now PayPal is offering credit card readers that posts automatically to your PayPal Virtual Terminal order form. Since this card reader can be plugged into a USB port of a computer it would be handy when you travel to meet customers.You can read more about this credit card reader here.

(refer from rocksolidseo.com)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Benefits of SEO

Search Engine Marketing helps site owners meet their various online marketing objectives such as generating leads, sales or simply building awareness.There is more to search engine optimisation than just marketing, as companies can derive many business benefits from using SEO. Let’s take a look at a few...

Fixed Costs

The cost of SEO is relatively fixed, independent of click volume. Effectively, the cost per click from SEO declines through time after initial optimisation costs and lower ongoing optimisation costs. Conversely, paid-search is essentially a variable cost.


Think about that search on ‘car insurance’. The big insurance companies are all desperate to make it onto the first page of Google. The ones that didn’t make it either need to buy PPC ads to be seen, which is expensive for such a competitive search query.
Cost-effective Customer Acquisition
There is no payment to the search engines for being indexed. This is important for high volume, low intent phrases which can be expensive in paid-search (eg ‘car insurance’).

Focus on Web Standards / AccessibilityDesigning
a website for search is an exercise in designing a best practice website. Search engine crawlers notice errors in your code, so valid code is a must for SEO. And that makes for a healthier, more accessible website. Accessible for Google’s crawlers, and for people.

Customers referred from search engines tend to stick around for longer. Increase customer lifetime revenues via SEO!

Credibility / Brand Perception
“Why aren’t you in Google for ‘car insurance’”? Consumers expect big brand businesses to be prominently placed in Google, so what is the effect if you aren’t on the first page or two?

Search engines allow you to find relevant web pages even if you only remember snippets of information. A song lyric, a company name, a product review, a person…

Customer Acquisition - Targeted Prospects
Search is demand-driven, so anybody referred from a search engine is hoping that your web page matches their search query. If it does, and you show them all the information they need to see, they may well become your next customer.

Repeat Business
Customers referred from search engines tend to stick around for longer. Increase customer lifetime revenues via SEO!

Focus on Unique Content
We are big believers in quality content. Original content. Google loves it too. And so do many SEO experts – the general advice these days is to create subject-specific content on your website, and to categorise and label that content in a way that will deliver a boost to your keyword strategy. Blogs are good for this. Remember that quality content attracts quality links. And that links are still very important for SEO. So if you invest in unique content you are building a valuable intellectual property asset that will benefit other areas of the business as well as improve your search rankings.