Obsessed with the powerful and ever changing SEO market, Mark demonstrates a true passion in advanced SEO education and innovative internet marketing strategies for long-term, sustainable business growth.
This Blog is dedicated to all SEO's & business information seekers. Mark Wilson is a writer and an internet marketing professional with extensive experience in search engine optimization.

Facebook’s Version of the Retweet Has Arrived!

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Monday, February 23, 2009

On Page optimization Factors

The most important On Page optimization techniques include content optimization, the title-tag, several META-Tags, headlines & text decoration, alt- and title-attributes and continuous actualization.

  • Keyword in URL: The process of identification and giving preference goes in First word is best, second is second best, etc.
  • Keyword in Domain Name: This is similar to the name of pages that have hyphens, for example: “automobile-truck-one”.
  • Keyword in Title Tag: Make sure you put your Keyword in Title tag that is close to beginning. This title tag should be between 10 - 60 characters with no special characters.
  • Keyword in Description Meta Tag: This shows the theme of your site and should be less than 200 characters. Though Google no longer “relies” upon this tag, it may sometimes use it.
  • Keyword in Keyword Meta Tag: This should be less than 10 words. Every word in this tag MUST appear somewhere in the body text. If not, it can be penalized for irrelevance. No single word should appear more than twice. If not, it may be considered spam. Google purportedly no longer uses this tag, but others do.
  • Keyword density in Body text: The keywords shouldn’t be stuffed into body text. The amount of keywords in the body text should be about 5 - 20% for all types of keywords (total) and 1-6% for one keyword. Too much stuffing would penalize your site under spamming.
  • Keywords in H1,H2 & H3: Many people ignore this particular aspect. Make sure Hx font is effectively used.
  • Keyword Font Size: Italics is same as emphasis while strong is same as bold.
  • Keyword proximity (for 2+ keywords): Placing them directly adjacent to each other is the best.
  • Keyword prominence: This can be important if its on the top (at the most) and in big fonts.
  • Domain Name Extension/ Top Level Domain - TL: .gov sites seem to be the highest status, .edu sites seem to be given a high status, .org sites seem to be given a high status, .com sites excel in encompassing all the spam/ crud sites, resulting in the need for the highest scrutiny/ action by Google.
  • Fresh Pages: search engines love fresh content, fresh pages.
  • Content: Make sure you put unique and fresh content since search engines feed on it. They simply love it.
  • Updates periodicity: Search engine give high status to sites that update regularly.
  • Site Size: Search engines, particularly Google, loves big sites. But it should be unique and fresh site. Any duplicated pages would be discarded by Google.
  • Domain age: Old is gold, this is the mantra of Google and other search engines.

One response to “On Page optimization Factors”

Unknown said...

I like to visit your blog and it is have interesting writings about On-page Optimization. Hope will help my seo adventure.
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